Jim Baker vs Dale Snellen
Robert Taylor vs Randy Wade
Cecil Cook vs Fred Nalley
Cecil Cook vs Don Hayes
Laurie Lampkin vs Frank Chaney
Teresa Spencer vs Jerry Elliott
Omer Howard vs Jerry Elliott
Omer Howard vs Jarrett Keith
Shelia Williams vs Jesse Gentry
Wayne Belcher vs Shelia Williams
Clarence Spencer vs Gene Smith
Ronnie Adwell vs Alton Stone
Josh Martin vs Alton Stone
Jimmy Adwell vs Roger Bullock
Jimmy Adwell vs Buddy Lampkin
Jason Gentry vs Buddy Lampkin
Solo Match…
Ben Webb vs Tony Hankins
Johnnie Jones vs Jim Culver
If either Leland or Hadden Fuller pitch, they will be "solo" matched with their two closet % opponents. (for Etown)
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