Sadie was a well-trained, highly athletic dog too. Isn't it a shame that they have to die so soon? We have to be thankful that we are blessed with such long lives.
--Previous Message--
: Hey JA
: Sorry to here about pumpkin passing. I
: remember when you first got pumpkin and
: introduced her to Sadie the hound dog
: delux...
: Pumpkin learned 10's of tricks and even
: could count that one always blew me away.
: Sorry you couldn't spend more time with her.
: She was in good hands with her mom...
: I remember when Sadie was getting up in age
: she lived to be 15 and that was unusual for
: an American Staffordshire Terrier. Do you
: remember when you called Sadie Bob Hope LOL
: I wonder if pumpkin got that look about her.
: Take care
: DW
: --Previous Message--
: I just got the call that my sweet dog,
: Pumpkin, has died.
: She died at 11:30 PM Pacific time last
: night, which was at 1:30 AM where I live
: now, or 40 minutes ago.
: She was truly a magnificent animal, and she
: touched many lives. There are many stories
: to be told about the things Pumpkin did
: during her 13 or so years on this Earth.
: She died 30 minutes before my birthday
: Pacific time, an hour and a half into my
: birthday here. All these people dying lately
: have been on my mind, and I've kind of
: wondered if I'll make it to my birthday for
: some reason. Maybe it's because Pumpkin
: wasn't long for this world and it was
: weighing on my mind.
: She was so special. You won't believe the
: things she did. People loved her dearly from
: coast to coast, and I mean from California
: to Florida.
: I'm going to go back to bed now. It makes me
: so sad that my sweet dog died.
: JA