--Previous Message--
: Oh, that could be bad. Calcaneus breaks can
: sometimes cause long term problems,
: especially if it is shattered. Let's hope he
: can recover quickly!
: JA
: --Previous Message--
: Heard Alex broke his heel practicing,over
: jumped flat landed
: --Previous Message--
: I hear you,if a guy hitting a ramp 100+
: anything but a dirt landing ramp would be a
: saltine to me
: --Previous Message--
: After reading the press release, I'm
: confused.
: It says he's trying to break Maddo's record
: of 351' from 2008. Wasn't that ramp to dirt
: at Crusty Night? He already holds that
: record at 425' or whatever. Capes' record
: jump was only 316'.
: This is what Johnny was talking about -
: someone is gonna get killed because nobody
: does any research and believes the local
: hype man.
: If I am wrong, feel free to correct me.
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